Ouch! This is a hard question to answer if you are not sure what’s the difference between the two verbs. During this month of love, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to talk about how to express love in Spanish. I think Spanish is a more affectionate language than other languages. For instance, “te quiero” and “te amo” are both translated as I love you, but they express a different level of emotion in Spanish. Read the differences and scroll down for a cute surprise.

It is the strongest verb to express love, and it is usually used in a romantic situation or even with family or close friends. You can tell your husband “te amo” as well as a very close friend. However, be careful when saying “te amo” to a friend, so he/she doesn’t think you love him/her romantically but as a friend. You might want to say “te amo como amigo” or you might not need to clarify depending on your relationship.

This is a verb that shows love but not in an intense or deep way. It is the lighter version. It is more commonly used with friends or family. It could be used in a romantic way too, but it is not as strong as “te amo”. You can also use a few adverbs to intensify the feeling if you are not ready to say “te amo” to your significant other. See the examples below.
Te quiero mucho.
Te quiero más.
Te quiero demasiado.
Te quiero tanto.
Don´t forget that “Querer” also means to want or desire as exemplified below.
Andrea quiere chocolates.
Quiero que mi novio venga a la fiesta.
La quiero a ella. (I desire or want her.)
Now you know the difference between “te quiero” and “te amo” and can use them comfortably. If you want to learn more and practice for free, consider registering on my website today to have access to free activities and resources. If you don’t have time to do activities, but want to improve your fluency, no problem! Join my free conversation group and don’t forget to follow me on Instagram for weekly content.
Here’s the bonus for reading my blog! This is a list of the most common, sweet, and romantic nicknames for your partner.

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